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Dragon on Castle Nightlight:
Dragon Oil Candle with wings
Dragon Oil Candle with wings

Dragon Oil Candle with wings: $310.00
Dragon Teapot
Dragon Teapot with wings

Dragon Teapot with wings: $350.00
Dragon without Wings Teapot
Dragon without Wings Teapot

Dragon Teapot without wings: $230.00
Winged Baby Dragon Creamer
Winged Baby Dragon Creamer

Winged Baby Dragon Creamer:
Baby Dragon Oil Candle

Baby Dragon Oil Candle

Winged Baby Dragon Oil
Candle: $186.00
Small Lidded Dragon Jar
Small Lidded Dragon Jar

Small Lidded Dragon Jar:
Pewter Finished Dragon Oil Candle
Pewter Finish Dragon Oil Candle
Pewter Finish Dragon Oil
Candle: $360.00
other colors availale
Wingless Dragon Oil Candle
Wingless Dragon Oil Candle
Additional Information: This teapot design pours with a great deal of turbulence and is not recommended by the artist for functional use. The oil candle, on the other hand, is very functional and striking as the wick comes out the mouth and it looks like the dragon is breathing flame when it is lit.